Friday, July 19, 2013

JAVA : Calculate Money With BigDecimal or Int, Long

When we calculate 1.00 - 0.90, the answer is not 0.1 but 0.09999999999999998.

The float and double types are primarily designed for scientific calculations.  If we want to get exact answer, we can use int, long or BigDecimal.

BigDecimal a = new BigDecimal("1.00");
BigDecimal b = new BigDecimal("0.90");

BigDecimal c = a.subtract(b);

It's less convenient than using a primitive arithmetic type. An alternative choice is to use int or long.

<Effective Java> Chapert 7 

How to create JAX-RPC webservice Client with Netbeans

The JAX-RPC is  the old encoded style for webservice, netbeans doesn’t support this style anymore. The default webservice style is JAX-WS.  We need to install extra plugin if we want to call the RPC style webservice.

For the normal java application, we can find the solution here:

After the above steps, we can get two folders : ‘Generated Sources’ and ‘Web Service References’. Go to the class where you are going to call the method from the webservice, then right click, you can insert code. That is it.

For maven project, there are several ways to call RPC webservice: axis, ant and CFX.
I used axis to call the service for my project.

Step 1:
Download the wsdl files, and put this file in the folder “src/main.resources/META-INF/wsdl”.
You can get this file by creating the webservice client in the normal java application project, then copy this folder to the maven project.

Step 2:
Define the pom file. Here is my POM file: 





Right click on the project node, test it.


Go to the folder src/main/autogen/, you can find the generated code.

We can call the webservice now. We used wsdl2java to generate java file locally, then we can call it directly just like calling the local class.

public class App
    public static void main( String[] args ) throws ServiceException, RemoteException
        com.medallion.clientws_maven.CMInterface cmInterface = new com.medallion.clientws_maven.CMInterfaceLocator();
        com.medallion.clientws_maven.CMInterfaceSoap_PortType stub = cmInterface.getCMInterfaceSoap();
        stub.login("User", "password");
We can also call the webservice directly.. Please refer this log: